Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two Thumbs Up

Dear Brittany,

We congratulate you on your ability to be strong and avoid eating that Frosty last night. We know it was tempting and we've never seen anyone sweat so much. But you held out and we're so proud of you.


In your decision to reward yourself with a 1/4 of a bag of Cheetos..... probably not the smartest choice you've ever made. To avoid any future mishaps, we've compiled a list of acceptable "rewards" for you.
* Go for a run! Yay!
* If you must eat.... an apple... or 4 raspberries. (yum!)
* 1 tall glass of ice water
* 20 sit ups, and since this is "rewards" do them girl style! (Woohoo!)

We hope you're as excited about these rewards as we are. Good luck!

Your New Years Resolution Committee

PS. Due to the disaster with the Cheetos last night... your double chin has put $50 on you failing to lose any weight. It's so certain of this that it's looking into expanding to a triple chin. So far the odds of you actually reaching your goal weight are not in your favor at all. Go underdog!

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