Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Top Heavy

Dear People Who Design the Bra Sections,

My question to you today is quite simple. Why would anyone in their right mind put the DD bras on the very bottom rack?

Do you know what it's like to bend over when you're already top heavy? Most of the time I find myself bending all the way down there just to find that they don't even have my size. I have to exhort an extreme amount of effort to stand back up straight.

When I finally do find my size, I can't get off the floor. And the whole reason I'm in the bra section is to get things up off the floor.. if ya know what I mean.

Here's my suggestion... leave the bending to the A cup gymnasts. What's a little bending to them? They don't have gravity going against them, not much to keep them down.

Let us Double D's have a break. No one likes to feel like a Weeble Wobble. Gravity is not our friend.... so we're asking you to be.

Brittany and the rest of the top heavy Girls


  1. HAHAHALARIOUS!! And so true!! SO. TRUE.

  2. AMEN!!!!! Come on people!! hahahahaha you crack me up britt!! I can't wait til you get back!!! :)
