Thursday, February 11, 2010

Carrot Cake

Dear New Years Resolution Committee,

Carrot Cake. What a cruel joke. You say eat lots of veggies and I being the good dieter that I am nearly peed myself after dinner when I heard there was carrot cake for dessert. I loaded up. Made sure I got my 3 servings for the day in. I have never in my life enjoyed vegetables so much.

Imagine the heartbreak I felt when I heard that each piece had 425 calories in it. Times that by 3 for my daily servings. Carrot Cake. What a rip. From now on I'm asking that it be called "Just the same as any other cake but has shredded vegetables in it cake."

I'm so upset about this that I'm boycotting carrots. At least until they can apologize.


PS. The carrot cake is still haunting me. I can hear it calling from my thighs. It's made quite the cozy home in my cellulite.


  1. hahahahahahaha I love carrot cake!! how come everytime I read your blog it makes me want the "bad" stuff even more then before!! I even went out and tried a 5-layer burrito because of this blog! hahaha

  2. OMG, i tried the 5 Layer because of this blog too! BAD BAD BAD! LOL! I actually THOUGHT i knew what a 5 layer burrito was. But i mistakenly had it confused with a SEVEN layer burrito. MUCH different! And i'm pretty sure it should be against the law to make something that is SO sinfully yummy cost only EIGHTY-NINE CENTS!!! Come ON! How is my poor healthy veggie diet supposed to compete with THAT!??

    OH, and Brittany. Carrot cake doesn't have to be bad for you. I have an amazingly yummy recipe for it that is actually quite good for you! I cant say the same for the cream cheese frosting, but the cake is great! Lol!
