Friday, February 5, 2010

Back rolls

Dear Brittany,

You've alway complained about us and yet we saved your life. Some thanks....

Think of the damage that would've been done to your ribs and spine if you had the back of Kate Moss. You would be in a body cast if it wasn't for the extra padding that we provide.

As you glided down the snow covered steps we made sure to absorb most of the impact from your gracious fall. We're like insurance for your back. We protect your precious things.

So the next time you see us hanging out over the back of your bra, don't sigh. Thank us. Call us heros if you must. It's what we do.

Your back rolls

PS. Think of the advantage that having breasts the size of yours on your back would do! We're talking to them about relocating. You could fall on a cement block and those babies would hold strong.

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