Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Garbage Disposal

Dear Husband and Children:

Please take notice.

This is my resignation as the family garbage disposal.
I will no longer be eating your "left overs".
Do not offer me the "last few bites" of your desserts that you just can't finish.
Please refrain from sliding your plate towards me at restaurants to see if I want to try it.
And last but not least, children.... please do not throw food at me or on the floor and please avoid leaving bits of food stuck to your face. Especially if it is a dessert. You know I can't help myself when I'm really, really hungry.

(Mom and wife)

PS. I almost ate a bean out of the bottom of the dishwasher today. Pre-washing. I snapped out of it by running my head under water for 30 seconds. I've got this diet thing down. It's no biggie. Really.

1 comment:

  1. WEll your stronger then me! I always want the last few bites of desert!! Can't help myself! :)
