Friday, March 19, 2010

Skinny Cow

Dear Skinny Cow Icecream,

I am really curious as to just how you got away with calling your ice cream "skinny" cow.

You see, I tried that once. I decided it was mind over matter. If I thought I was skinny, well then I would be skinny. So I always called myself skinny. I told my friends I was skinny. I posted it on my Facebook. But all I got were comments like, "Oh... ummmm.... cough.... sorry something in my throat." And people responded to my Facebook status like this... "............................ Sure you are Brittany.. and you have the sweetest spirit."

Your icecreams are not skinny. They are no where near thin. They're full and round and curvy.. just like me. Yet they get to be called skinny.

However, now that I think about it... they are skinny compared to a cow. Way to look at the glass half full Skinny Cow Makers!

From now on I want to be called "Brittany Skinny Cow". I want my glass to be half full too. Ahhh life just gets sweeter everyday day, doesn't it?



1 comment:

  1. I love those things!! I tried to convince myself that it was okay to eat twice as much because they weren't FAT BOYS!! hahaha
