Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cooking Class

Dear Brittany,

We are sorry to inform you that you are no longer invited to participate in our cooking classes.
It is not proper etiquette to eat all of the eclaires that were prepared for everyone.... even if your piece was "too small for an ant to find" as you so kindly screamed out. And a little FYI... you cannot lick the bowls in cooking class either. Once again, bad etiquette.

We also would like to point out that it is not smart to go on a 10 day crash diet before cooking classes. It was like a shark in a pool of blood when you were surrounded by all those desserts. So while we can understand, we simply cannot allow you to return for the safety of our other cooking students.

The Head Chef at your cooking classes

PS. We are fully aware that the man in the over sized coat with a beard and a hump back that is lurking outside our classes is you. Please stop, it's frightening our students.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one! So funny! That was embarrassing going to the classes with you. JK.
