Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weight Watchers

Dear Brittany,

There seems to be some misunderstanding between you and our point system. The 27 points you are allowed is NOT per meal. It is DAILY. Also, just because you once breastfed, that does not mean you can add the 12 extra points now. That is only if you are CURRENTLY breastfeeding. Oh, and while we're on the subject... yes, we realize you have 2 kids and have breastfed twice. This does not mean in any way that you can add the extra 12 points twice. Again....... you are not CURRENTLY breastfeeding, so those points do not apply to you at all.

We apologize if this small misunderstanding caused you to gain 12 pounds in one week. Maybe if your ears weren't so chubby you could listen better.

Weight Watchers

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